Economic recovery and Spanish foreign sector, some considerations

Pedro Antonio Merino García
Rebeca Albacete Sánchez-Mateos
José María Martínez Pérez
Juan Jesús Rubio Jareño


Published: Feb 28, 2022

This article reviews the changes of the last 20 years in international trade, and then analyzes the behavior of the Spanish foreign sector before, during and after the great global financial crisis (GFC) that began in 2008. Subsequently, analyzes whether during the post-crisis period, starting in 2014, there has been a change in the elasticities of the foreign sector (both Spanish and European) and whether the regulatory changes and the behavior of economic agents have translated into a behavior Spanish differential compared to our European partners that helps us to hypothesize what may happen to the foreign sector in the post-COVID-19 pandemic recovery.


external sector, trade, domestic added value, foreign added value, Spain, economic crisis, pandemic, shocks, macroeconomic prospects

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