El capital humano en los procesos de automatización: una primera aproximación al caso español

Álvaro Choi
Jorge Calero


Published: Nov 1, 2018
##section.pages##: 13-32

Robotization and the introduction of artificial intelligence in the production processes pose important challanges in the labor market. Economic literature describes, among other effects, the possibility of job destruction, partially or totally offset by the creation of new occupations, as well as a greater demand in the training of workers. This article provides a first approach to this issue for the Spanish case. To do this, data from the National Institute of Statistics’ (INE) Business Innovation Survey, are exploited, for the 2006-2016 period, and complemented by data from the Survey of Active Population of the INE. The results confirm a greater destruction of employment in innovation-intense activities, as well as a shift in the demand of the training profile of the workers.


automation, robotization, artificial intelligence, human capital