Experiencia laboral durante los estudios y desajuste educativo en el primer empleo en los graduados universitarios españoles

Cecilia Albert
María A. Davia
Nuria Legazpe


Published: Nov 1, 2018
##section.pages##: 189-208

In this paper we study the impact of work experience while in university on graduates’ first educational mismatch in Spain. We analyse two types of labour market experience, namely, paid work and placement positions. We identify three types of mismatch in graduates’ first jobs: overeducation, skills mismatch and mismatch in the field of studies. Our main conclusion is that labour market experience (either via paid employment or with curricular placements) during undergraduate education only reduces mismatch risks in the first graduates’ jobs when it is related with their studies and not sporadic.


education mismatch, work experience, university placements, university graduates
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