Ecological footprint as a key territorial sustainability indicator: A case study of Spain

Antonio Cano Orellana

No doubt human beings have exceeded the limits. In other words, in the first eight months of 2020 humanity has consumed the natural budget of the whole year. Having information and indicators that allow us to determine the ecological impact of human behaviour is a key factor in tackling the environmental crisis and moving towards a sustainable society. The ecological footprint, a synthetic indicator of territorial sustainability, has been widely used as a useful tool for sustainability management and planning, and is also considered a powerful educational tool for changing production and consumption behaviours. In this paper, taking Spain as a reference, we will focus on the location pattern followed by the Spanish population and its environmental impact, through the estimation of the ecological footprint generated by the 8131 Spanish municipalities. The results indicate that the concentration of the Spanish population in a relatively small portion of its territory, mainly in the large conurbations and along the coast, is closely associated with an ecological footprint that requires on the order of 3.7 times its area to meet its production and consumption needs.



ecological footprint, territorial sustainability, ecological indicators, population, Spain

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