The influence of employees’ competitive orientation on a firm’s environmental progress

J. Alberto Aragón Correa
Manuel Bueno


Published: Dec 13, 2022

Management literature supports a relationship between certain human resource management practices and a firm’s environmental strategy. However, the influence of the individual experience of employees has received limited attention. This paper analyzes the effect of employees’ competitive orientation, captured through employees’ experience at high hierarchical levels in their professional careers, on a firm’s environmental progress. We use a proprietary database containing information about the professional careers of 10,564 employees from 94 firms on the S&P100 index. Using multilevel analysis, we find that the sampled firms improve their environmental proactivity if they have more employees with a working experience at high hierarchical levels. We also find that a higher firm’s pay dispersion level will intensify this effect. Although there is a risk that employees’ competitive orientation hinders collaboration, our results support a positive relationship between employees’ internal competition and the firm’s environmental progress.


environmental proactivity, internal competition, human capital, microfoundations

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