The Problems of Governance of Artificial Intelligence in Sport

José Luis Pérez Triviño


Published: Dec 29, 2023

In this work, I have tried to analyze the problems of Artificial Intelligence (AI) governance
in sport. After characterizing governance in sport, the notion, and the different applications
of AI in this field, attention has been directed to showing some of the problems of
AI governance. This can impact several principles and rights of athletes: a) loss of autonomy;
b) transparency; c) discrimination; d) safety. But unlike other social areas where AI
can also affect the rights of individuals, in the sports ecosystem the impact can be greater
due to certain circumstances specific to the sports sphere: a) the variety of regulations
(public, private); b) the position of superiority of clubs and federations over athletes; c) the
athletes' own psychology and their spirit of self-improvement.


Artificial Intelligence, governance, sport, equality, rights

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