The social dimension of the European project

Enrique Feás


Published: Jul 2, 2018
##section.pages##: 97-109

The social dimension of the European project —a project in constant motion— has been present since the Treaty of Rome, but it has always come second to the economic construction. The Great Recession showed that a Europe built on weak social foundations not only translates into deeper financial crises, but generates disaffection among European citizens. Today, Europe continues to show major differences in social indicators and policies, but the great global challenges of the coming decades make it essential to recover the idea of a true European social policy reaching beyond the boundaries of the Nation-State and promoting effective, real convergence.


Author Biography

Enrique Feás, Técnico Comercial y Economista del Estado

Coeditor del Blog NewDeal (

European Union, social policy, globalisation, JEL classification, F16, F4, F55, F6, H5