Better indicators for better regulation: the OECD iREG experience

Rebeca Schultz
Christiane Arndt-Bascle
Paul Davidson
Benjamin Gerloff


Published: Apr 2, 2019

The OECD Indicators of Regulatory Policy and Governance (iREG) are one of the world’s leading indicators on better regulation. They measure OECD countries’ progress in implementing regulatory policy practices as advocated in the 2012 Recommendation on Regulatory Policy and Governance and cover in detail requirements and practices in the areas of stakeholder engagement, Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) and ex post evaluation. This article describes how the OECD developed these indicators in co-operation with its member countries, presents key findings from the iREG’s 2018 edition, and reflects on critical success factors that made them an invaluable tool to drive regulatory reform.


methodolody, international organization, regulation, and industry policy, comparative analysis