Monetary history of Spain. From the peseta to the euro

Pablo Martín-Aceña


Published: Dec 19, 2023

The modern Spanish monetary history begins in 1868 with the adoption of the peseta as the national common currency. The bimetallic system introduced was similar to that of the Latin Monetary Union established in 1865, although Spain did not join formally the Union. Neither adopted the gold standard system when bimetallism was abandoned by the majority of the most developed nations. Spain´s monetary system remained isolated from the international monetary community. The Spanish Civil War divided the country in two financial areas. Later, during the first decades of the Franco regime, Spain was not allowed to join the International Monetary Fund, and hence isolation remained, at least until 1959 when a Stabilization Plan was introduced. Thereafter began the long way towards the integration of the Spanish monetary system with the international system. He final step has been to be part of the group of countries that form the Economic and Monetary Union.


monetary history, bimetallism, gold standard, peseta, euro, Bank of Spain, Eurosystem

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