China and Russia. Nationalism, economics and geopolitics

Alicia García-Herrero
Mira Milosevich


Published: Jun 27, 2024

China and Russia, although with significant differences, are two revisionist post-empires with a common ambition: to change the global order. Russia's intentions have been more clearly demonstrated with the invasion of Ukraine, while China has benefited from Russia's aggressiveness to offer an alternative to the Global South. Russia, a post-empire in decline, increasingly needs China's support  to continue with its war against Ukraine.  China’s willingness to provide such support comes in exchange for Russia’s push to change the global order but also for better access to Russian raw materials, weapon capabilities as well as the Arctic Route. As the Russian economy becomes more dependent on China, the balance should continue to tilt in favor of the latter.


China, Russia, revisionist powers, invasion of Ukraine, global order, Global South

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