El sector exterior

eISSN 2340-8804  ISSN 0214-8307

Devoted to the Spanish international trade, this monograph provides the main data on the evolution of commercial and financial variables in Spain and the rest of the world. It also analyses the main foreign trade policy measures undertaken by the Spanish and European administrations. Integrated in Boletín Económico de ICE, it is published annually at the end of the first semester.

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Address: Paseo de la Castellana 162, 12ª planta, Madrid. Tel: +34 913493190

E-mail:    revistasice.sscc@mincotur.es

Edition: © Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Secretaría General Técnica.

The printed edition of the journal is available for purchase from the following address of subscriptions

No. 3171 (2024): El sector exterior en 2023

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